If you are looking for help accessing provincial government services, you’ve come to the right place — our team can help! Here are some of the most common requests:
Help Accessing Government Services
We are pleased to be able to help you with any questions, concerns, or issues you may have accessing provincial government services. These include:
Birth/marriage/death certificates, driver’s licence, health cards, Ontario Works (social assistance), Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Employment Standards (lost wages, severance), Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) student loans, GO Transit and Family Responsibility Office (FRO) are managed by the Provincial Government.
Additional information is available on the Service Ontario website:
Affidavits and Declarations
We are pleased to be able to offer Commissioner of Oaths services free of charge. Contact our office to make an appointment.
Congratulatory Certificates
We offer congratulatory certificates for residents celebrating a significant anniversary, birthday or other special occasion. We can also help you request a certificate from the Premier for a milestone birthday, wedding anniversary, retirement or the anniversary of your organization.
Attend an Event
Invite me to attend your event and bring greetings on behalf of the Government of Ontario.
Other Levels of Government
Municipal Government – The Regional Municipality of York consists of nine municipalities. Local government is organized in a two-tier structure.
Public transit, housing, child care, emergency medical services and policing are handled by York Region.
Find your Regional Municipality of York website: here
Road maintenance, garbage collection, water, local bylaws, animal control, police, ambulance and fire services, libraries, parks and recreation and municipal property taxes are the responsibility of each municipality.
Find your Town of Aurora website: here
Find your Town of Newmarket website: here
Find your Town of East Gwillimbury website: here
Federal Government – Passports, social insurance numbers and card, citizenship, immigration, visitor’s visa applications, Child Tax Benefit, Employment Insurance (EI), national defence, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA-Income tax), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Canada Pension Plan – Disability (CPP-D), Old Age Security (OAS), student loans (federal) and Canada Post are managed by the Federal Government.
Additional information is available on the Service Canada website: