Private Member’s Motion – Artificial Intelligence use in Government.

NEWS                                                                                                                                        May 15, 2024

Newmarket – Dawn Gallagher Murphy, MPP of Newmarket—Aurora, tabled a Private Members Motion on April 10th, 2024, regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in government. This motion will serve as an impetus for the provincial government to move forward in adopting methods to assess potential risks and to ensure AI is used transparently and ethically within government, while also considering cybersecurity threats.

On May 8th, 2024, in a unanimous agreement, all parties agreed to move the motion forward. Minister Todd McCarthy, MPP Brian Riddell, MPP Natalie Pierre, the Royal Opposition NDP and Liberals all demonstrated their support of the Private Members’ Motion regarding AI use in government. This outstanding agreement highlights that Ontario is setting the example for the rest of Canada for the responsible use of AI in government.

The motion reads: That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adopt methods to assess potential risks and judge the successful adoption and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence use in government while developing measures to counter emerging cyber security threats.

Quotes from Ministers:

“I thank MPP Gallagher Murphy for her advocacy as we work together with our public and private sector partners to position Ontario as a global leader in the responsible adoption of Artificial intelligence and emerging technologies,” said Todd McCarthy, the Minister of Public Business and Service Delivery. “That is why we established our AI Expert Working Group and developed Ontario’s first Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Framework. Under the leadership of Premier Ford, we are leading by example in unlocking the power of Artificial Intelligence by taking these important first steps in guiding the government’s responsible use of this revolutionary new technology.”

The Honourable Minister Todd McCarthy

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

“Under Premier Ford, our government is working for workers, creating opportunities to earn a well-paying lifelong career, while also addressing the evolving nature of work with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),” said David Piccini, Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. “Under our fourth Working for Workers Bill, which passed last month, we have required employers to disclose if AI is used during the hiring process, to protect workers’ privacy rights and ensure workers aren’t being excluded from the job market because of technological biases. I support this Private Members Motion as another step in our government’s plan to modernize the delivery of services, while continuing to protect Ontarians’ digital privacy.”

The Honourable Minister David Piccini

Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development

Motion Endorsements from Stakeholders:

Vector believes that the AI Trust & Safety Principles we have developed can provide valuable guidance for other organizations as they work to establish their own codes of conduct and AI policies. These principles serve as a starting point for organizations that are just beginning their AI journey, while more established organizations can build upon them to best suit their specific needs.

We think your motion fits into this theme and that these principles will cause organizations to consider how they will conduct business in an AI-enabled world.

Ben Davies, Chief Information Officer

Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence

This legislative initiative aims to prevent misuse while also cultivating a secure environment conducive to the positive advancement of AI. These standards and guidelines will create a roadmap for development and deployment, promoting innovation while discouraging malicious activities.

I call upon the members of the Legislative Assembly to endorse this proposal with urgency and dedication. Acting now will ensure that Ontario not only reaps the benefits of AI, but also sets a precedent for safeguarding against any misuse.

Let us seize this opportunity to lead with foresight and accountability forging a more secure future for all Ontarians in this era.

Ron O’Neil, Owner/Founder

AI Intelligent Solutions

Responsible adoption of new technologies is critical for building and maintaining trust with citizens. The Dais at Toronto Metropolitan University advances public policy, learning and convening toward this end through our Secure and Responsible Technology Policy program. Through this program, we encourage any government or technology provider to focus on: transparency: accountability; equity and inclusion; security and safety; prudence; and democratic legitimacy.

To that end, we are pleased to support the proposed motion that you shared to develop methods to assess and mitigate potential risks in adopting AI by the Ontario government

Sam Andrey, Managing Director / André Coté, Director of Policy and Research

Toronto Metropolitan University, the dais

“With the massive growth of generative AI and the potential for growing privacy and security-related threats, clear guidance regarding the protection of the public’s data that has been entrusted with the government is vital. Your Motion offers such protection in establishing rules for the safe and responsible use of AI, and measures to counter emerging threats, ideally before they arise.

Your proposed Motion will also provide much-needed transparency, enabling members of the public to examine what the government is doing to protect their personal data from the threats arising from AI. Your Motion also urges the Ontario Government to adopt methods by which to address the successful adoption of AI – ensuring its ethical use while developing measures by which to counter potential privacy and security-related threats that may arise.

By advancing your Motion, Ontario could indeed become a Canadian leader in AI governance and risk mitigation, supporting the responsible and accountable use of AI in public services offered by governments. I endorse your Motion and wish you every success!”

Dr. Ann Cavoukian Ph.D., LL.D. (Hon.) M.S.M

Executive Director, Global Privacy & Security by Design Centre Inc

“IBM is pleased to support MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy’s Private Member Motion to clarify how the government’s Trustworthy AI Framework will create guardrails governing the safe and responsible use of AI in government, and also create pathways for the practical implementation of safe and effective deployment of AI within government agencies. Efforts such as this are increasingly crucial to ensure the Ontario Government remains a leader in trustworthy AI, and we look forward to working with MPP Gallagher Murphy and other MPPs to help Canada realize the benefits of AI.”

Deb Pimentel, President
IBM Canada

“Artificial Intelligence poses intricate challenges, ethical implications, and opportunities for all sectors, including the consulting engineering industry. ACEC-Ontario is pleased to support MPP Dawn Gallagher Murphy’s motion, which will ensure the development of a collaborative framework that will serve as a guide to improve how AI intersects with government, stakeholders, and the public.”

Andrew Hurd, Executive Director

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-Ontario

“TECHNATION is pleased to support MPP Gallagher Murphy’s motion to further the adoption and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) by the Ontario Government. Seizing the opportunities AI offers without compromising on the management of its risks will help Ontario’s public servants reach better, faster decisions and increase the efficiency of services for Ontarians. With this motion and building on the Trustworthy AI Framework, Ontario is taking essential steps to ensure the responsible use of AI in government and setting an example for the rest of Canada.”

Michele Lajeunesse, Senior Vice-President, Government Relations & Policy


“Even in these early days, it’s clear that this technology has the potential to be one of the most positive, most transformative, and most beneficial tools put in our government’s hands (on par with the advent of email, online search engines, and mobile devices). We already see the impacts on better staff learning, faster service, increased productivity, and many other leaps forward that are making our government agencies more effective and better at serving its citizens.

And yet — as your motion recognizes — this transformative power of AI needs to be balanced with safety and privacy concerns, so that Ontarians can experience the plethora of benefits without sacrificing their personally identifiable information.

We commend your motion for another reason: it will position Ontario as a leader in the field of responsible and effective use of AI in government. While so much of AI’s creation is due to Ontario research institutes and our talented tech sector, there is still much work to be done on the policy and practice fronts. Your motion is a great step towards Ontario showing leadership in advancing the state-of-the-art of this global and urgent topic.”

Corry Flatt, CEO & Co-Founder

“The motion put forward to the Ontario legislature today is an excellent step in the right direction, which we fully support and urge all members to adopt in earnest.

It is crucial government recognize the transformative potential of AI in healthcare, while continuing to guard against risk and uphold the ethical use of AI in all forms.

We look forward to seeing the Ontario’s continued leadership and commitment to advancing AI in healthcare.”

Amir Soheili, VP, Digital Health & Diagnostics and Sam Fielding, Chief Information Officer

Southlake Regional Health Centre

Quick Facts

Ontario Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework: Ontario’s Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework |

Links to Social Posts regarding motion:

Instagram: Dawn Gallagher Murphy (@dawngallaghermurphy) • Instagram photos and videos

Facebook: An unanimous agreement, all… – Dawn Gallagher Murphy | Facebook

X: Dawn Gallagher Murphy on X: “Thank you to Minister @ToddJMcCarthy for your support on my Private Members Motion on the use of AI in government. Our government is committed to building a better Ontario which includes ensuring efficient and productive #CustomerServiceTransformation across our Public Services.” / X (

LinkedIn: Post | Feed | LinkedIn

For further information and to arrange a media interview, please contact:

Joanne Kim,

EA to PA Dawn Gallagher Murphy


Mobile: 905-960-8410