Ontario Legislature Unanimously Backs MPP Gallagher Murphy’s Motion on Responsible AI Use
An unanimous agreement, all parties agreed to move my motion forward! Thank you for your support to Minister Todd McCarthy, MPP Brian Riddell, MPP Natalie Pierre, and to the Royal Opposition NDP and Liberals for your support of my Private Members’ Motion regarding AI use in government. An outstanding agreement that Ontario is setting the example for the rest of Canada for the responsible use of AI in government.
Feeling thankful and blessed for all the support. Ontarians will be the beneficiaries of this evenings’ cross partisan vote.
The motion reads: That, in the opinion of this House, the Government of Ontario should adopt methods to assess potential risks and judge the successful adoption and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence use in government while developing measures to counter emerging cyber security threats.
Read more: Private Member’s Motion – Artificial Intelligence use in Government. – Dawn Gallagher Murphy (dawngallaghermurphympp.ca)